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Onychomycosis – Treatment with Pico Laser

For nails that don’t respond to traditional treatments, there is now a laser with impressive results.

Discovery Pico Plus Laser, thanks to its targeted action against fungus, is a safe, effective, fast, and painless option for the treatment of onychomycosis of the hands and feet without the side effects of traditional pharmaceutical treatments. A full dermatological examination by the doctors of the clinic will determine the appropriate treatment protocol for each patient.

– How does Pico Laser work in onychomycosis?

The Discovery Pico Plus Laser is the most modern treatment option for onychomycosis. Thanks to the specialised PT program, the Discovery Pico Plus Laser uses the appropriate energy and through the heat it produces locally, destroys the fungus safely, without affecting the nail surface or the skin around it. It penetrates the entire thickness of the nail, where traditional pharmaceutical treatments often do not reach, offering even greater effectiveness.

– Is it painful treatment?

The process is painless. Some patients, however, describe a tingling sensation that subsides immediately. No preparation is required, except in cases where the nails are too thick, and thus a treatment to reduce the thickness of the nails should be given before so that the treatment can be applied. The duration of treatment is 5’/nail and the patient can return directly to his or her activities.

“At Tzouma Clinic we are once again pioneering as we are the first to implement the revolutionary Discovery Pico Plus Laser, which has the official approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of onychomycosis of both hands and feet.”

– What are the effects of Pico Laser on the nails?

The results are progressive. As the nail grows, we see how a new and healthy nail grows as the old nail grows further away. This procedure can be completed in 6 months for the hand and in 12 months for the foot.

– How many sessions are required?

It usually takes 4 – 6 sessions per 15 days. However, more sessions may be required depending on the severity of onychomycosis.

– What precautions are needed to prevent a possible recurrence?

After the treatment of onychomycosis, it is necessary to apply precautionary measures to avoid possible recurrence. The precautionary measures that are recommended are the following: the daily use of miconazole powder on the feet or antifungal spray on the shoes, good drying of the feet after showering, especially between the toes, the replacement of old shoes, the avoidance of walking barefoot in public places (changing rooms, swimming pools) as well as when carrying out manicure or pedicure the sterilisation of the tools should be ensured or everyone should have their own tools.


the number of sessions usually required to complete the treatment




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