Laser Hair Removal for Women
Permanent hair removal with the best lasers in the world for depilation in all skin types!
At Tzouma Clinic we approach laser hair removal for women as a serious medical act. That’s why we achieve impressive results with speed and safety. The clinic has 3 different hair removal lasers which are used as appropriate. This way we get the best possible result.
- Alexandrite laser of the American candela house and specifically the latest generation laser Gentle Pro.
- Alexandrite Laser by American company cynosure, the new Elite Plus model combined with Nd:Yag laser.
- Laser Nd:Yag Candela, the most specialized medical laser for hormone-dependent areas such as face, cheeks, waist or nipples. It has the unique property of only detecting hair without affecting the normal lint of the body.
The legs are the largest and most impressive area in laser hair removal. It mainly concerns women who have to shave daily but also men.
Irritations, injuries, stinging legs etc. are problems that end with the application of laser hair removal from the very first sessions. It is considered the area with the best and fastest result in laser hair removal.
– What is the laser mechanism?
The wavelength of the light beam of the laser alexandrite is 755 nm. As a result, the energy is absorbed by the melanin of the hair and destroys the hair follicle. This disables the root and prevents the formation of new hair, leaving the melanin unaffected. Laser hair removal in tzoumaclinic is performed under the supervision of a dermatologist after receiving a medical history and regular monitoring of each patient’s progress.
How many sessions are required?
The number of sessions is 7 – 8 on average, every 40-45 days or so and is modified as appropriate. The intervals between sessions should not exceed 40-45 days. Otherwise the result is greatly modified. If the intervals are not respected then the hair removal will need more sessions. This is because the laser is effective in the regenerative phase of the hair which is always in 40-45 days.
– Is it painful treatment?
The method of laser hair removal is almost painless. This is due to the modern skin cooling mechanisms available in all lasers of our clinic.
– How long does the session last?
The duration of the session is from 50-60 minutes.
– What should one take into account before and after the hair removal session?
No hair removal or other method of pulling hair for at least two weeks . The area in which the laser will be applied should have been shaved or trimmed two days in advance for the first 3 sessions so that the laser energy is absorbed all by the root and not by the hair stem. The specialized staff of the clinic provides personalized information as appropriate throughout the sessions, always under the supervision and guidance of a dermatologist.
Long exposure to the sun is prohibited one week before and one week after treatment. The use of sunscreen with spf 50+ is necessary throughout the treatment until the end of the sessions.
The bikini area is a sensitive area that is of particular concern to women both for aesthetics and often for medical reasons. Many women suffer from recurrent folliculitis and permanent unsightly signs with traditional shaving techniques, wax etc.The laser hair removal in this area is permanent and provides a lifetime solution to this problem.
– How does the laser work?
In the bikini area the hairs are more often hard and dark. That’s why laser hair removal in this area is remarkably effective from the very first session. The wavelength of the light beam of the laser alexandrite is 755 nm. As a result, the energy is absorbed by the melanin of the hair and destroys the hair follicle. This disables the root and prevents the formation of new hair, leaving the melanin unaffected. Laser hair removal in tzoumaclinic is performed under the supervision of a dermatologist after receiving a medical history and regular monitoring of each patient’s progress.
How many sessions are required?
The number of sessions is 7 – 8 on average, every 40-45 days or so and is modified as appropriate. The intervals between sessions should not exceed 40-45 days. Otherwise the result is greatly modified. If the intervals are not respected then the hair removal will need more sessions. This is because the laser is effective in the regenerative phase of the hair which is always in 40-45 days.
– Is it painful treatment?
The method of laser hair removal is almost painless, thanks to the modern skin cooling mechanisms available in all lasers of our clinic.
– How long does the session last?
Session duration is from 15-20 minutes
– Is it a safe treatment?
It’s a perfectly safe method. Medical laser is a visible light. It is not radiation and has no effect on skin structures that do not have melanin. That is, areas such as the lymph nodes and the mammary gland (breast) or the uterus. Also modern alexandrite candela gentle pro , elite synosure, have automatic cooling mechanisms that protect the skin even in very high energies. The age to start is usually 12 years old and for girls once the menstruation has started. In addition, it has been approved by the strict FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) since 20 years ago.
– Does hair removal in this area affect fertility in the future?
Laser hair removal is completely safe with approval from the FDA since the absorption of energy concerns only melanin of the hair leaving unaffected all the important structures of the area.
– What should one take into account before and after the hair removal session?
No hair removal or other method of pulling hair for at least two weeks . The area in which the laser will be applied should have been shaved or trimmed two days in advance for the first 3 sessions so that the laser energy is absorbed all by the root and not by the hair stem. The specialized staff of the clinic provides personalized information as appropriate throughout the sessions, always under the supervision and guidance of a dermatologist.
Long exposure to the sun is prohibited one week before and one week after treatment. The use of sunscreen with spf 50+ is necessary throughout the treatment until the end of the sessions.
The armpits are an area of particular concern to women as they have to be shaved daily. Irritations, bad smell and pigmentation in the region are among the main and most frequent problems created. Laser alexandrite hair removal solves this problem permanently.
– What is the laser mechanism?
The wavelength of the light beam of the laser Alexandrite is 755 nm so that the energy is absorbed by the melanin of the hair and destroys the hair follicle. This disables the root and prevents the formation of new hair, leaving the melanin unaffected. Laser hair removal in tzoumaclinic is performed under the supervision of a dermatologist after receiving a medical history and regular monitoring of each patient’s progress.
How many sessions are required?
The number of sessions is 7 – 8 on average, every 40-45 days or so and is modified as appropriate. The interval between sessions should not exceed 40-45 days, otherwise the result is greatly modified. If the intervals are not observed then the hair removal will need more sessions and this is because the laser is effective in the regenerative phase of the hair that is always in 40-45 days.
– Is it painful treatment?
The method of laser hair removal is almost painless, thanks to the modern skin cooling mechanisms available in all lasers of our clinic.
– How long does the session last?
The duration of the session is from 50-60 minutes.
– Is it a safe treatment?
It’s a perfectly safe method. Medical lasers are visible light, they are not radiation and have no effect on skin structures that do not have melanin, such as lymph nodes and the mammary gland (breast). Also modern alexandrite candela gentle pro , elite synosure, have automatic cooling mechanisms that protect the skin even in very high energies.
The age to start is usually 12 years old and for girls once the menstruation has started. In addition, it has been approved by the strict FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) since 20 years ago.
– What should one take into account before and after the hair removal session?
No hair removal or other method of pulling hair for at least two weeks . The area in which the laser will be applied should have been shaved or trimmed two days in advance for the first 3 sessions so that the laser energy is absorbed all by the root and not by the hair stem. The specialized staff of the clinic provides personalized information as appropriate throughout the sessions, always under the supervision and guidance of a dermatologist.
Long exposure to the sun is prohibited one week before and one week after treatment. The use of sunscreen with spf 50+ is necessary throughout the treatment until the end of the sessions.
Hands are one of the areas of hair removal that women are increasingly concerned about. It is the part of the body that is visible both in the summer months and in the winter. It’s an area of the body where we want all women to be beautiful and hairless. More and more women do laser hair removal on their hands. Both because of frequent hirsutism and for aesthetic reasons only.
– What is the laser mechanism?
The wavelength of the light beam of the laser alexandrite is 755 nm. As a result, the energy is absorbed by the melanin of the hair and destroys the hair follicle. This disables the root and prevents the formation of new hair, leaving the melanin unaffected. Laser hair removal in tzoumaclinic is performed under the supervision of a dermatologist after receiving a medical history and regular monitoring of each patient’s progress.
How many sessions are required?
The number of sessions is 7 – 8 on average, every 40-45 days or so and is modified as appropriate. The intervals between sessions should not exceed 40-45 days. Otherwise the result is greatly modified. If the intervals are not observed then the hair removal will need more sessions and this is because the laser is effective in the regenerative phase of the hair that is always in 40-45 days.
– Is it painful treatment?
The method of laser hair removal is almost painless, thanks to the modern skin cooling mechanisms available in all lasers of our clinic.
– How long does the session last?
Session duration is from 15-20 minutes
– Is it a safe treatment?
It’s a perfectly safe method. Medical lasers are visible light, not radiation. They have no effect on skin structures that do not have melanin, such as lymph nodes and the mammary gland (breast). Also modern alexandrite candela gentle pro , elite synosure, have automatic cooling mechanisms that protect the skin even in very high energies.
The age to start is usually 12 years old and for girls once the menstruation has started. In addition, it has been approved by the strict FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) since 20 years ago.
– What should one take into account before and after the hair removal session?
No hair removal or other method of pulling hair for at least two weeks . The area in which the laser will be applied should have been shaved or trimmed two days in advance for the first 3 sessions so that the laser energy is absorbed all by the root and not by the hair stem. The specialized staff of the clinic provides personalized information as appropriate throughout the sessions, always under the supervision and guidance of a dermatologist.
In the hand area in particular, nothing needs to be done most of the time and the trimma takes place in the clinic area. Long exposure to the sun is prohibited one week before and one week after treatment. The use of sunscreen with spf 50+ is necessary throughout the treatment until the end of the sessions.
Traditional hair removal techniques such as common shaving, waxing and the use of depilatory cream offer only temporary results. Scar formation, allergic reactions and folliculitis (hairs trapped in the skin ) are common side effects of the above hair removal techniques. Laser hair removal is the only permanent method of hair removal that eliminates traditional techniques.
It is suitable for women and men, in any area of the body, safely removing unwanted hair without damaging the pores and structure of the skin.
Treatment varies depending on the patient and the area of application. Full body hair removal concerns the whole body. For example, legs, bikinis, belly, armpits, buttocks, hands, breasts except the areas of the face. They need different times and a completely different approach. It is the most economical hair removal program in proportion to the areas that also includes the dream of every woman!
– What is the laser mechanism?
The wavelength of the light beam of the laser alexandrite is 755 nm. As a result, the energy is absorbed by the melanin of the hair and destroys the hair follicle. This disables the root and prevents the formation of new hair, leaving the melanin unaffected. Laser hair removal in tzoumaclinic is performed under the supervision of a dermatologist after receiving a medical history and regular monitoring of each patient’s progress.
But there are many areas of the body that are hormone-dependent or have sparse few hairs. In this case we use the Nd:Yag laser. This laser is the most specialized medical laser for hormone-dependent areas. Face, cheeks, waist or nipples, having the unique property of detecting only hair without affecting the normal lint.
How many sessions are required?
The number of sessions is 7 – 8 on average, every 40-45 days or so and is modified as appropriate. The intervals between sessions should not exceed 40-45 days. Otherwise the result is greatly modified. If the intervals are not observed then the hair removal will need more sessions and this is because the laser is effective in the regenerative phase of the hair that is always in 40-45 days.
– Is it painful treatment?
The method of laser hair removal is almost painless, thanks to the modern skin cooling mechanisms available in all lasers of our clinic.
– How long does the session last?
The duration of the session is from 90 minutes to more than 2 hours.
– Is it a safe treatment?
It’s a perfectly safe method. Medical lasers are visible light, they are not radiation and have no effect on skin structures that do not have melanin, such as lymph nodes and the mammary gland (breast). Also modern alexandrite candela gentle pro , elite synosure, have automatic cooling mechanisms that protect the skin even in very high energies. The age to start is usually 12 years old and for girls once the menstruation has started. In addition, it has been approved by the strict FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) since 20 years ago.
– What should one take into account before and after the hair removal session?
No hair removal or other method of pulling hair for at least two weeks . The area in which the laser will be applied should have been shaved or trimmed two days in advance for the first 3 sessions so that the laser energy is absorbed all by the root and not by the hair stem. The specialized staff of the clinic provides personalized information as appropriate throughout the sessions, always under the supervision and guidance of a dermatologist.
In the hand area in particular, nothing needs to be done most of the time and the trimma takes place in the clinic area. Long exposure to the sun is prohibited one week before and one week after treatment. The use of sunscreen with spf 50+ is necessary throughout the treatment until the end of the sessions.
At Tzouma Clinic we approach hair removal as a serious medical act and that is why we achieve impressive results with speed and safety
different hair removal lasers available in the clinic – used depending on the case for the best result