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Exercise is not only essential for a shapely figure but also for the overall health of the body. Whichever type we choose, there are certain strategies that help to multiply the effect of exercise on the body. 

We are slowing down the pace: With the slow pace we achieve significantly more muscle mass gain than if we do the workout at normal pace. To implement slow fit we make each movement last longer. This gives the muscle time to lengthen and contract to really benefit from the exercise. 

What comes first: diet or exercise; Exercise should be done all the time, regardless of the diet. In fact, because strict diets can cause us to burn muscle mass, exercise is the best way to maintain muscle during dieting. If we want to both lose weight and tone up, combine muscle-strengthening exercises with aerobic exercises that increase heart rate and burn calories. For example, aerobic exercises (such as jumping jacks or trot on the spot) with muscular exercises (abdominal crunches with dumbbells). 

Do we eat before or after exercise? When we exercise on an empty stomach, we have the illusion that we are doing a very good deed for our figure. In reality, the opposite is true. The body goes into starvation mode and doesn’t open the fat stores. The best thing is a small snack, such as a banana or some muesli, before we start the exercises. This speeds up the metabolism and starts the burning. Right afterwards we eat lean protein from dairy, meat or a shake.

We take care of the skin: The more love we show the body, the better it will work with us. We pamper it with scented scrubs, moisturizing emulsions, nourishing body butters and firming creams.


“At Tzouma Clinic we will design your personalized protocol for body sculpting, cellulite correction and tightening completely free of charge”


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