Hair Loss Mesotherapies
Enhanced hair loss mesotherapies that we apply to the scalp rapidly enhance the number of hairs that grow. At the same time, they reduce the number of hairs that fall.
After a detailed medical history is taken, a digital trichorizogram examination is performed to determine the form of hair loss. Then, the appropriate treatment protocol for each patient will be defined. In the digital trichorizogram, the hairs are examined by dermatoscopy and then the images are automatically analysed through a modern software program Tzoumaclinic-Fotofinder that provides detailed information on the health of hair follicles.
Their condition (number, quality, hair thickness) is fully recorded every 3 or 6 months. This helps us to compare the effectiveness of the treatment we propose. That’s why we can record every square inch on the surface of the head, both before and after treatment.
Each trichorizogram shall constitute a record and measurement of the following elements:
- number of existing hair follicles
- of the corresponding number of hairs
- the thickness of hair
- the number of single hair follicles
Based on the results of the digital trichorizogram, the physicians of our clinic formulate a personalised protocol of mesotherapies. This is done either in addition to medication or as monotherapy always in combination with phototherapy. Often preceded by the gene test of alopecia that gives us accurate information based on the patient’s genes for substances that will have excellent results in the treatment of hair loss or alopecia.
– What mesotherapies are applied to the scalp?
In this treatment enriched plasma is administered topically with the technique of mesotherapy or microneedling. We have received the enriched plasma from patient’s own blood. It contains augmentation agents, which have been scientifically found to increase the proliferation of stem cells in the hair follicle. It causes new hair to burst. It inhibits hair loss, while at the same time it contributes to hair strengthening, to increase its thickness and restore its shine. The result is thicker, younger, healthier hair.
The protocol to be applied to each patient is determined by the dermatologists of Tzouma clinic. It is often combined with heterologous mesotherapy locally, which contains the respective substances that doctors will determine based on the clinical picture. e.g. minoxidil, vitamins. Mesotherapy is completed with Dermalux phototherapy. Phototherapy is based on the principle that our cells absorb light and use it as a “fuel” for rejuvenation and repair.
Light-activated skin cells work better and can rejuvenate up to 200% faster. This leads to better and more functional skin on the scalp. In combination with the substances that will be used in mesotherapy or microneedling, phototherapy has excellent and fast results in hair loss as well as in the creation of new hairs because they help at the same time to better and deeper penetration of substances.
Mesotherapy is completed with Dermalux phototherapy based on cell activation, giving a more functional hair follicle and skin to the scalp. In combination with the substances that will be used in mesotherapy or microneedling, phototherapy has excellent and fast results in hair loss and the creation of new hairs because they also help in better and deeper penetration of substances.
– Is it a painful procedure?
The process is very well tolerated using microneedling and almost painless.
– How long does the treatment last?
The treatment with the combination of Dermalux phototherapy lasts approximately 1 hour. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately and unconditionally.
In this treatment, a mixture of active ingredients, that have been scientifically found to increase the proliferation of stem cells in the hair follicle and cause new hairs to develop, is administered with the technique of mesotherapy or microneedling. It inhibits hair loss, while at the same time it contributes to strengthening the hair, increasing its thickness, and restoring its shine. The substances to be used for this purpose are determined by the clinical presentation of the patient or by the prior gene hair loss test. The most common are minoxidil and a mixture of vitamins.
With the help of the modern digital trichorizogram Tzouma Clinic Fotofinder, we fully record the condition of hair every 3 or 6 months, which helps us to control the effectiveness of the treatment.
the total duration of the treatment completed with Dermalux phototherapy