Acne is cured without drugs
The innovative Acne Stop protocol that is designed individually for each patient gives a solution to even the most difficult and persistent acne-prone skin without drugs.
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. It occurs mainly in adolescence but can occur at any age. In recent years it is particularly common in women after 30 or older. Although it is more severe in boys, it concerns both sexes equally. It can cause up to serious problems in their social life.
– Scientific diagnosis
In our clinic acne is treated holistically. It is preceded by a dermatological examination with the help of the skin analyser foto finder uv scan. The dermatological examination helps us to detect acne lesions that are not visible to the naked eye. We can also monitor our patient in detail and accurately. Detailed laboratory and ultrasound tests are done where necessary. Along with the right medication in each case, a special diet is given. In case we do not want to give systematic medication for various reasons, for example due to health problems, parents’ denial, previous unsuccessful intake, sports or pregnancy and breastfeeding, we provide special dietary supplements of plant origin.
Acne Stop by Dr Anastasia Tzouma is a personalised treatment protocol that is applied only in our clinic after a study of numerous patients giving excellent results. It is a combination treatment of specific topical medication where needed, with dermabrasion with microcrystals, acne-specific peeling, ACNE peel, laser and the award-winning Dermalux phototherapy. Each protocol is personalised and adjusted to the patient’s needs.
– Deep medical cleansing with dermabrasion with microcrystals
In our clinic we achieve deep medical cleansing of the skin. Both face and body without the use of steam but with special microcrystals. The procedure begins with a very good cleansing with special soap. After wiping the area very well, a kind of mechanical peeling follows with the help of a special eco peel device. This peeling is based on the spinning of sterile aluminium or corundum microcrystals. At the same time, the microcrystals are sucked into the upper layers of the skin in order to remove dead skin cells. This removes the surface layers of the skin without causing any damage while at the same time it draws away impurities and sebum.
This is followed by the opening of the comedones, cysts, and millet, as well as the removal of closed sebum and complete cleansing of the pores. Steam is not used to avoid dilation of the pores. In this way we succeed in gradually closing the pores and improving the facial appearance. There is never a recurrence of acne as often happens with the use of steam. It is a simple, painless treatment lasting 80 minutes. The patient can return to work immediately afterwards without any problems.
– Special peeling with Acne Peel
This is a medium depth peeling specially designed for oily and acne-prone skins. The aim of the treatment is to fight acne lesions, as well as to reduce the appearance of new outbreaks. Acne peel eliminates the three main acne-causing factors by targeting each one individually: comedones, inflammation and clogged pores. It contains salicylic acid as well as azelaic acid. Salicylic acid removes dead cells and unclogs pores while azelaic acid provides antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the fact that it fights a key factor of acne, the propionic acid bacteria.
Initially, the face is cleansed with a special product and then a special foam with 15% acids is applied to prepare the skin before the peeling. Then Acne Peel is applied with the help of a brush to remain on the face from 3 to 10 minutes. The neutralisation of the peeling is done with a special neutralising spray which quickly disables it and immediately stops any burning sensation. Acne Peel based on a maximum power formula, with no recovery time, helps to inhibit propionic acid bacteria of acne. It provides deep cleansing to the skin by fighting oiliness. The outcomes are immediately visible from the very first treatment.
– Antibacterial action & regeneration with Dermalux phototherapy
Dermalux is a non-invasive treatment for acne and beauty issues. It relies on the power of Led light to revitalise and renew the skin. Dermalux uses three different wavelengths. Each wavelength has its own action that is beneficial for the skin and stimulates the natural regeneration mechanisms. It thus accelerates the cell renewal process. At the same time, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, making the skin even more elastic and smooth. To fight acne, all three wavelengths of light are used in combination.
The protocols we apply are customised and may involve a combination of Dermalux with dermabrasion or Acne Peel or even Dermalux alone. Most often a cyclical treatment program is applied with dermabrasion alternating with peeling every 3 weeks, always combined with the power of Dermalux.
– Treatment of inflammatory acne with the Pico Laser
Pico Laser of Quanta Systems is used in our clinic with a special treatment protocol and treats the most difficult cases in a few sessions. Along with the inflammatory lesions of acne, it corrects redness as well as the marks or scars that have already formed.
- Our doctors have applied this NEW protocol to many patients with excellent outcomes.
- Our clinic is the only one in Greece that applies this treatment.
– Innovative Black Diamond Protocol
The innovative treatment is based on the Pico laser and is indicated for oily skins with acne tendencies, in balancing sebum and in the reduction of pores. It is particularly effective treatment in active inflammatory acne for those who do not wish to take medication. It is suitable for all ages. It has been used for years in America and is based on the action of the fractional Pico laser with a specific protocol. It is always combined with the special activated charcoal mask applied before the laser.
The laser is applied on the black mask and the way the sublimation is done is very impressive as the laser passes over the mask. The recovery time is minimal and the outcomes are immediate and very impressive. The number of sessions varies depending on the situation.
Acne Stop by Dr Anastasia Tzouma is a personalised treatment protocol that is applied only in our clinic after a study of numerous patients giving excellent results. It is a combination treatment of specific topical medication where needed, with dermabrasion with microcrystals, acne-specific peeling, ACNE peel, laser and the award-winning Dermalux phototherapy.
Laser – Only in Tzouma Clinic it is applied in a special therapeutic protocol and treats the most difficult cases in a few sessions